Plugin Lifecycle

Zellij provides the zellij-tile crate to plugins to facilitate development.

The zellij-tile crate provides the ZellijPlugin trait:

fn main() {
pub trait ZellijPlugin {
    fn load(&mut self) {}
    fn update(&mut self, event: Event) -> bool {
    } // return true if it should render
    fn render(&mut self, rows: usize, cols: usize) {}

Lifecycle Methods


Will be called when the plugin is loaded, this is a good place to subscribe to events that are interesting for this plugin.


Will be called with an Event if the plugin is subscribed to said event. If the plugin returns true from this function, Zellij will know it should be rendered and call its render function.

Since events are used for asynchronous communication between Zellij and the plugin, they do not follow a specific order. This means, that a plugin could receive certain events (like ModeUpdate) before the PermissionRequestResult event is received. Therefore the plugin should ensure, that dependencies within the plugin logic between certain events are handled correctly. An example for waiting for the PermissionRequestResult can be found in this great plug post


Will be called either after an update that requested it, or when the plugin otherwise needs to be re-rendered (eg. on startup, or when the plugin is resized). The rows and cols values represent the "content size" of the plugin (this will not include its surrounding frame if the user has pane frames enabled).

This function is expeted to print to STDOUT whatever the plugin would like to render inside its pane. For more information, see plugin ui rendering.

Registering a plugin

After implementing the trait on a struct, we'll need to use the register_plugin macro on it:

fn main() {
struct MyPlugin {
    // ...

impl ZellijPlugin for MyPlugin {
    // ...


Zellij will then instantiate the plugin (using the Default implementation) and call it as needed.