
Using the built-in themes

The built-in themes in Zellij can be used by setting the theme [THEME_NAME] in the configuration file. Take a look at the list of themes to see what's possible.

Theme Definition Specification

Themes in Zellij are defined according to UI components. These components are used in the various plugins that make up the Zellij interface, and can also be used dynamically in user plugins.

theme definition spec diagram

Structure of a theme definition

A theme definition is a KDL file (or part of one) defined as so:

themes { // a node named "themes"
    dracula { // a nested node inside the "themes" node indicating the theme name
        // a list of nodes defining the UI components
        ribbon_unselected {
            base 0 0 0
            background 255 153 0
            emphasis_0 255 53 94
            emphasis_1 255 255 255
            emphasis_2 0 217 227
            emphasis_3 255 0 255
        // ...

It can either be placed directly in the main configuration file or in a separate directory.

Theme UI Components

Components have the following attributes, each one including a space separated list of three numbers representing the RGB color.

  1. base - the base color of the component
  2. background - the background color of the component
  3. emphasis_0, emphasis_1, emphases_2, emphasis_3 - the color of text emphases inside the text. These are used either to differentiate whole text components one from another (with each having a full color of one of the emphases), or even combined in a single component (eg. when indicating indices in fuzzy find results). Not all of these are used in the base UI, but they might be used in user plugins.

Following is the list of available component specifications:


This component refers to the bare text parts of the Zellij UI (for example, the Ctrl or Alt modifier indications in the status-bar).


This component refers to the bare text parts of the Zellij UI when they need to indicate selection (eg. when paging through search results). This is often done by providing them a different color background than their unselected counterparts.


Ribbons are used often in the Zellij UI, examples are the tabs and the keybinding modes in the status bar.


Selected ribbons are often indicated with a different color than their unselected counterparts (eg. the focused tab, or the active keybinding mode in the status bar).


The table UI component has a different style applied to its title line than the rest of the table. This is what differentiates this line.


The style of an unselected cell in a table. Cells can be specified as selected or unselected individually, but it is often the case that a full table line is specified to have selected or unselected cells.


Often differentiated from its unselected counterpart by changing its background color.


A line item in a nested list, it can be arbitrarily indented. Its indentation indication is not included in the item specification.


Often differentiated from its unselected counterpart with a different background color.


The frame around the focused pane.


This is the frame around the focused pane when the user enters a mode other than the base mode (eg. PANE or TAB mode).


The color of the exit code indication (here, only the base part of the specification is used, the rest are reserved for future use). These can be seen in command panes (eg. when using zellij run) after the command exited successfully.


The color of the exit code indication (here, only the base part of the specification is used, the rest are reserved for future use). These can be seen in command panes (eg. when using zellij run) after the command exited with an error.


This is the only theme section that is different from the rest of the UI components and is defined thus:

multiplayer_user_colors {
    player_1 255 0 255
    player_2 0 217 227
    player_3 0
    player_4 255 230 0
    player_5 0 229 229
    player_6 0
    player_7 255 53 94
    player_8 0
    player_9 0
    player_10 0

Each player represents the color given to a user joining (attaching) to an active session. These colors appear the same to all users and are given by order of attaching.

Getting Zellij to pick up the theme

While developing and iterating over a theme, the easiest way would be to define it directly in the main configuration file (add the themes block defined above with your theme) and then set the:

theme "your_theme_name"

directive above or below it. This way, Zellij will pick up on any changes to the theme in real time and you will not have to restart the session to see your changes.

Otherwise, it's possible to define themes in separate files under the themes folder located in CONFIG_DIR/themes. You can find the exact location of this folder with zellij setup --check.

Themes can also be loaded from the command line when starting Zellij:

zellij options --theme [NAME]

Example Themes

Here are some example themes these are the themes that come built-in with Zellij and can be freely used for inspiration and to kick off your own theme definition.

Example Plugin with all UI components

While developing a theme, it might be helpful to load the following plugin:

This will display all UI components and all their permutations, allowing you to see how your changes affect them in real time.