
Please see the up-to-date documentation for the most recent features.

Layouts are yaml configuration files which Zellij can load on startup. These files can describe a layout of terminal panes and plugins that Zellij will create when it loads. To load a layout with Zellij:

zellij --layout /path/to/your/layout_file.yaml

By default Zellij will load the default.yaml layout, that is found in the layouts directory (by default a subdirectory of the config directory [config/layouts]). Falling back to an internal default layout, if not found. Layouts residing in the default directory can be accessed as follows:

zellij --layout [layout_name]

The difference being: if a path (either absolute or relative) is supplied to --layout, it will load the layout from that path. If a bare name is supplied, it will load a built-in layout from the default directory.


This file:

  - direction: Vertical
      - direction: Horizontal
          - direction: Vertical
          - direction: Vertical
      - direction: Horizontal

Will instruct Zellij to create this layout:

│     │     │
├─────┤     │
│     │     │

Creating a layout file

A layout file is a nested tree structure. Each node describes either a pane, or a space in which its parts (children) will be created. The layout file is divided in to two sections: templates and tabs.

The templates describe the structure of the layout and what part of the ui should be tab agnostic. The tabs describe which part of the layout should be tab specific. For this mechanism the templates make use of an extra attribute called body, if it is specified each single tab will be inserted in to the template and then started by zellij.

parts: <layout>

Layouts are composed through the optional parts section, if a layout has a non empty parts section it is a node that is split up into these respective parts.


  - direction: Vertical
  - direction: Vertical

Each node has the following fields:

direction: Horizontal / Vertical

If the node has children, they will be created as splits in this direction.

split_size: Percent: <1-100> / Fixed: <lines/columns>

This indicates either a percentage of the node's parent's space or a fixed size of columns/rows from its parent's space. By default the splits are proportional.


  - direction: Vertical
      Percent: 50
  - direction: Vertical
      Percent: 50

run: plugin: <plugin> / command: <command>

This is an optional instruction to either run a command, or a plugin. If indicated, instead of loading the default shell in a terminal pane, the run action will be executed.

  • plugin: </path/to/plugin.wasm>

This is an optional path to a compiled Zellij plugin. If indicated, instead of loading a terminal, this plugin will be loaded. For more information, please see the plugin documentation of this guide. In case the plugin resides in the plugin directory, specifying the name of the plugin is sufficient.


    location: "zellij:status-bar"
    _allow_exec_host_cmd: false # Optional and false by default

For more information, please see the plugin documentation of this guide. The _allow_exec_host_cmd is preliminary and allows plugins to run commands on the host system, if the plugins need that functionality the user can opt in to it.

  • command: {cmd: <path/to/command> , args: <optional-arguments> }

This is an optional path to a command. If indicated, instead of loading a pane with the default shell, this command will be executed. Optionally it's arguments can be passed as a vector of strings.


  command: {cmd: htop, args: ["-C"]}

This can be used to open a pane in a specified directory by making use of your shell's command flag and cd path/to/directory && <shell>. The following command is only for zsh. It may work for other shells, but it is not guaranteed. Check your shell's documentation for how to use the command flag.


  command: { cmd: zsh, args: ["-c", "cd ~/Documents/code/zellij && zsh"] }

name: <name-of-the-tab>

This is an optional command that can be used to name the tab in the tab layout section.


  - name: "<name-of-the-tab>"

This is currently limited to the tabs section.

session: <session-configuration>

This is an optional configuration option that can be used to modify the session behavior of the layout.

Current options include:

  name: "zellij" # a string, that names the session
  attach: true # default `true`. If session exists, re-attach.


  name: "zellij"

Adding this to the layout would name the session zellij and upon loading the layout again will try to attach to an existing session that is called zellij. If the attach configuration is false, then zellij will show an error message on trying to create the layout, if the layout name already exists.

focus: <bool>

This is an optional configuration option that can be used to specify the initial focus of the tab or pane.

This option is not set by default. So, every tab and pane basically focus the first target.

Example one:

- direction: Vertical
- direction: Vertical
  focus: true # focus second tab.
  - direction: Vertical
      Percent: 50
  - direction: Vertical
    focus: true # focus right pane.
      Percent: 50

If the option is duplicated, the first declared focus has priority. This applies to both tab and pane.

Example two:

- direction: Vertical
  focus: true # [duplicated] focus first tab. 
- direction: Vertical
  focus: true # [duplicated] ignored.
  - direction: Vertical
      Percent: 50
  - direction: Vertical
    focus: true # focus right pane.
      Percent: 50
- direction: Vertical


The layout supports all the configuration options from the Configuration page.

If an option is specified in a layout, it has precedence over the config file itself.


default_shell: fish

Further examples

Please take a look at the default layouts that come with Zellij, or the layouts that reside in the example directory for more complete layouts.