Command Line Configuration Options

In addition to the configuration file, zellij can also be configured through the command line when running it. These options will override options in the configuration file.

    zellij options [OPTIONS]

        --attach-to-session <ATTACH_TO_SESSION>
            Whether to attach to a session specified in "session-name" if it exists [possible
            values: true, false]

        --copy-clipboard <COPY_CLIPBOARD>
            OSC52 destination clipboard [possible values: system, primary]

        --copy-command <COPY_COMMAND>
            Switch to using a user supplied command for clipboard instead of OSC52

        --copy-on-select <COPY_ON_SELECT>
            Automatically copy when selecting text (true or false) [possible values: true, false]

        --default-layout <DEFAULT_LAYOUT>
            Set the default layout

        --default-mode <DEFAULT_MODE>
            Set the default mode

        --default-shell <DEFAULT_SHELL>
            Set the default shell

            Disable handling of mouse events

            Print help information

        --layout-dir <LAYOUT_DIR>
            Set the layout_dir, defaults to subdirectory of config dir

        --mirror-session <MIRROR_SESSION>
            Mirror session when multiple users are connected (true or false) [possible values: true,

        --mouse-mode <MOUSE_MODE>
            Set the handling of mouse events (true or false) Can be temporarily bypassed by the
            [SHIFT] key [possible values: true, false]

            Disable display of pane frames

        --on-force-close <ON_FORCE_CLOSE>
            Set behaviour on force close (quit or detach)

        --pane-frames <PANE_FRAMES>
            Set display of the pane frames (true or false) [possible values: true, false]

        --scroll-buffer-size <SCROLL_BUFFER_SIZE>

        --scrollback-editor <SCROLLBACK_EDITOR>
            Explicit full path to open the scrollback editor (default is $EDITOR or $VISUAL)

        --session-name <SESSION_NAME>
            The name of the session to create when starting Zellij

        --simplified-ui <SIMPLIFIED_UI>
            Allow plugins to use a more simplified layout that is compatible with more fonts (true
            or false) [possible values: true, false]

        --theme <THEME>
            Set the default theme

        --theme-dir <THEME_DIR>
            Set the theme_dir, defaults to subdirectory of config dir